How to Safely Retire at 55 with $2 Million (You Can)
Thoughts of early retirement bring excitement, then questions, and finally fear. In this post, I’ll do the simple math to give you the confidence to safely retire early. You can do it!
Are You in the “Almost, Just, Recently” Stage of Life?
Have you almost, just, or recently reached financial freedom? This period starts ten years before and ends ten after your freedom date. It's a make-or-break stage of life when you begin thinking differently about your financial well-being.
Buy & Hold v. Fast Follow Investing? Use Both!
Buy & hold investing and Fast Follow Investing work well together. I compare the two strategies and highlight their differences. Combine them to create the perfect smart investing solution for early financial freedom.
How To Buy & Hold: Add Cash Savings Alongside Your Low-Cost Stock Index Funds
Buy & hold is a well-known, well-documented investment strategy. It works. But be careful. For me to hold up buy & hold as a smart strategy when you’re financially free, I recommend adding some cash savings. But how much cash?
We Fear Investment Loss. This Is What To Do About It.
As financial freedom nears, we become acutely aware of big losses in our investment portfolios. Can we control how much market crashes hurt us? Contrary to popular belief, we can.